Stock taking questionnaire for an Inventory of Information Security sources

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The Agency has launched a stock taking exercise , using a questionnaire to establish an Inventory of publicly available sources on Information Security. Using already existing information in an aggregated format will lead to faster assessments with less effort.

Therefore, collection and aggregation of existing data and sources is an effective tool to raise information security.

A main objective of this work is to include publicly available information on information security risks and opportunities, to be used in all upcoming assessments. The result of the stock-taking exercise/questionnaire is an online inventory. 

In the framework of the Agency’s work on “Identifying and Responding to the Evolving Threat Environment” in 2012, ENISA assesses emerging risks and opportunities. This forward-looking activity is an essential step to address future information security challenges. Collection and aggregation of existing quantitative data is a long-term objective that will be refined in future versions of the Agency Work Programme.

The questionnaire is among other things looking at organisational issues, security risks, opportunities, and security trends.

This stock-taking is a win-win exercise, resulting in an online inventory that will be of significant value for all the stakeholders and the participants.

How to contribute?

Fill in the stock-taking questionnaire and send it to [email protected]